17th November: Things

Seven weeks is a long time at sea. However, I feel like it’s gone really very quickly! It’s amazing to think that we’ve got less than a couple of weeks left on our expedition. I asked a number of the science team about what they miss, and what they’re really pleased to have brought with them. There are some interesting answers [with my edits]… there seems to be some confusion over temperature control…

What did you bring that you haven’t used?

Seasickness pills – Marcus

Smart shoes – Kate

A bikini – Melanie

Rain trousers – Torben

[along a common theme…] Umbrella – Allison

A hairdryer – Vanessa

Ginger chews [not shoes] – Laura

Tattoo transfers – Michelle

“too many warm jumpers” [see below] – Veerle

Shorts – Lucy

Tea – Steph

Shampoo and books – Maricel

Movies – Hong Chin

Leather shoes – Paul [with you on that one, Paul]

[Jesse has used everything that she brought!]


What do you wish that you’d brought?

Flip flops – Marcus

More Berocca – Kate

A bath – Melanie

A paddling pool and a sunbed – Torben

Peanut butter  – Allison

An updated version of iTunes – Vanessa

Rhian – Laura

A giant Toblerone – Michelle

Nail varnish – Veerle

A rugby ball – Jesse

Another woolly sweater [talk to Veerle about that one…] – Lucy

More snacks – Maricel

Headphones and raingear [talk to Torben]- Kais

A little microphone and a double bed – Paul

A hammock – Steph

Slippers and hot sauce- Shannon

More socks – Hong Chin


What are you SO glad that you did bring?

A boiler suit – Marcus

A book of the unabridged Monty Python scripts – Kate

Flip flops – Torben [who, as it turns out, brought two pairs and should possibly should talk to Marcus]

A jumper [again, should probably talk with Lucy about that one] – Melanie

A yoga mat – Allison

A water bottle – Vanessa

An [awesome] coffee machine – Laura

A woolly hat – Michelle

A mug [it’s already seen a lot of tea, that mug…] – Veerle

A camera and warm clothes – Jesse

A thermal mug for tea – Lucy

A Kindle – Steph

A Tablet and a passport – Kais

200 glow bracelets and water pistols- Shannon

And Maricel was just pleased that Torben had brought his speakers…


Blog Composed by: Kate Hendry



2 Comments on “17th November: Things

  1. 7 weeks without landfall. modern communications make you all seem just around the corner until you see the seamap of where James Cook is. No land in sight!Good luck and good science for the rest of the voyage.

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